March 15 was ERC freshman girls party in Domadoma.
We ate all foods and glasses of drink for 3,000 yen from 19:00 to 21:00. We ate Tomato Nabe and ordered menu. We had a good time, talking about school, boyfriend and so on. They are very kind, so I'm very happy. Recently, a friend of mine Kurumi was belong to ERC, so I'm happy too.Two hours passed in an instant, then we took a Purikura.
Two of us got home for business. The other went to boring. At first, I got only 80 score, but I got about 120 score gradually. It was the best score I have ever got score. We broke up there at 3:00, three girls of Kruumi, shiori and Chiaki stayed with my house.We were staring, so we purchased cup nudles and ate them.We talked about various topics and went to bed at 4:00.
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